Those who have
seen us live this time around may have noticed we have two extra
musicians on stage with us. In order to bolster our live sound and
add extra dimensions to our live show, we've brought along two of
our good friends (and outstanding musicians in their own right),
Mike Squires and John Roderick, to help us rock it. Here's a little
bit more about each of them: |
Mike Squires grew up in glorious Granite Falls, Washington. After
being nominated Homecoming King and graduating at the bottom of
his class he became a trained killer for the United States government.
Knowing that he was too much of a good thing, the USMC signed
his walking papers and he headed to Seattle to realize his dream
of being "the other guitar player" in Harvey Danger.
After seven
years and a number of bands including Eat the Feeling, Compass,
a short stint with local hero Marc Olsen, and speed metal band
Bunny he took up lead duties for local popsters Nevada Bachelors.
Two records later the Bachelors called it a day and Mike was recruited
by Harvey Danger to beat up mean people. Once they realized he
could also play music he started to play the guitar for them.
Mike likes puppies, oriental massage, long walks on the beach,
and beating up mean people. If you see him, please buy him a drink.
He likes Bushmills on the rocks and Ketel One screw-drivers.
keys, vocals
Hailing from Alaska, John started playing music in Seattle back
in 1991. Unfortunately, he's always been one step behind the curve.
As grunge was exploding around the world John insisted that the
future of rock was jangly pop music with lots of reverb and no
distortion. He believes it to this day.
John is a singer and guitarist as well as a wizard on the keys
and has fronted a succession of bands which no one has ever heard
of, including: Chautauqua, The Trans-Rational Z-28's, Spaceheater,
The Bun Family Players, Bugbear, and, most recently, The Western
State Hurricanes. Due to a pathological fear that the recording
process actually captures a part of a person's soul he has never
recorded an album. He seems to believe that the Internet somehow
retains every note he's ever played and will be able to call it
up if he could only figure out the correct URL. No amount of explaining
will convince him otherwise.
By 1999 John was effectively insane, living with his mother and
regarded by most Seattle musicians as a complete crank. Harvey
Danger discovered him singing Godley and Creme songs for spare
change outside a local tacqueria and recruited him as their new
keyboard player after it was determined that much of his problem
was due to an incorrect prescription in his glasses. To this day
he believes that Sean Nelson is actually Art Garfunkle. No amount
of explaining will convince him otherwise. In addition to being
a musician, John is also on sabbatical as a Professor of Art History
at the University of Alaska, Kuskokwim.